Frequently Asked Questions
Can the IPL Laser work for post-LASIK dry eye?
YES. We have had considerable success in LASIK dry eye.
My friend had IPL Laser to remove her brown spots and small wrinkles. Is this the same device?
YES. The settings and technique used by Dr. Lewis are specific, however, to the treatment of dry eye. We are happy to refer you to an oculo-plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or facial plastic surgeon if you are interested in the cosmetic uses of this laser.
Will my skin be red or irritated after the procedure?
NO. No one will know you had anything done.
Can any facility or practitioner with an IPL-laser perform this procedure?
YES. Most IPL centers are focused exclusively on cosmetic procedures. They may start to dabble in this therapy, but they do not have the diagnostic equipment, or experience to properly address the complexities of dry eye, limbal cell health, goblet cell integrity, and lid apposition.
Why should I choose Dr. Lewis?
Dr. Lewis is a fellowship trained corneal specialist, one of the first in the region to utilize punctal occlusion to approve the absorbable punctal plug. He began using topical cyclosporine on complex corneal transplant and dry eye patients two decades before this drug was brought to market as Restasis™. He developed his own dry eye drops for dry eye and recurrent erosion syndrome. Dr. Lewis routinely consults for other eye care specialists in difficult dry eye cases. He also frequently manages patients with severe ocular external disease.
How safe is IPL-laser for the eye?
Very few surgeons use stainless steel scleral contact lenses to protect the eye during this procedure. Dr. Lewis feels this is the only way to guarantee a risk free procedure.
Will I be able to stop my Restasis™, warm compresses and my Doxycycline?
Patients are unique and no general answer applies to all dry eye sufferers. IPL-Laser to treat dry eye usually makes the eye more comfortable and allows patients to stop any of these modalities.
Will I really need four treatments?
Again, patients are unique. The vast majority will feel some relief after the first treatment and should be comfortable after the fourth. A single annual maintenance treatment is recommended in most cases.
What is the purpose of an evaluation?
Dr. Lewis will examine your eyes to determine if the IPL-laser treatment is likely to be beneficial. If you choose, you can have your first treatment that same day.